Enabling RTS / CTS Flow Control

The flow control of the Microhard Telemetry Radio module is turned off by default, and can be turned on or off by the following methods.

Enable CTS/RTS

1)Connect a USB cable from the PC USB port to the USB TYPE-C of the module.

2 ) Launch a terminal communications program (e.g. HyperTerminal) and configure for 9600 bps, 8 data bits, No parity, 1 stop bit (8N1), no flow control.

3 ) press and hold the CONFIG button and apply power to the module.

4 ) release the CONFIG button

5 ) On power up the terminal session window should show “NO CARRIER OK” as seen below:

6 ) the P900 is now in command mode, and AT commands can be used to configure or query the settings.

7 ) Type in AT&K3 and press Enter will enable CTS/RTS handshaking.

8 ) Type in AT&W and press Enter to save the configuration to the NVRAM of the module. Then, the configuration will not be lost after the power off.

Confirm Configuration

9 ) Power off and redo step1~5.

10 ) Type in AT&V and press Enter will display the current configuration as seen below: (Handshaking & K3 means CTS and RTS are already enabled.)

Disable CTS/RTS

11 ) redo step1~5.

12 ) Type in AT&K0 and press Enter will disable CTS/RTS handshaking.

13) Type in AT&W and press Enter to save the configuration to the NVRAM of the module.

Confirm Configuration

14 ) Power off and redo step1~5.

15 ) Type in AT&V and press Enter will display the current configuration as seen below: (Handshaking & K0 means CTS and RTS are disabled.)

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