Setup & Getting Started (PX4)

Use as Rover (Aircraft) Station

You only need to set the following parameters:

  • GPS_1_CONFIG: GPS1 (default to GPS1)

  • GPS_1_GNSS: 31


  • SER_GPS1_BAUD: 115200 8N1

  • EKF2_GPS_CTRL: Bit 3 Dual antenna heading (if the Heading function is not required, this bit does not need to be set)

  • GPS_PITCH_OFFSET: set according to your setup

  • GPS_YAW_OFFSET: set according to your setup

To check for heading MAVlink Console :

"listener estimator_status_flags " command, Then check the content displayed by cs_gps_yaw . True means that Heading has been enabled , False means that Heading has not been enabled .

GNSS Data Filtering

Set the following parameters to decrease drifting caused by fluctuation from the GNSS reading

  • EKF2_GPS_P_NOISE = 1

  • EKF2_GPS_V_NOISE = 0.6

Use as Base Station

Last updated

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